Thermosiphon System

Basically a thermosiphon system uses the natural laws of nature to operate.

Hot water is less dense than cold water. Actually water is at its most dense at 4 degrees
centigrade, just before freezing.

As we all learnt in basic science at school, when we heat water the lighter hot water "floats" to the top and the denser cold water "sinks" to the bottom.

In the example above we use a bunsen burner to heat the water, but the sun can act like a bunsen burner.

When we position one of our systems externally we are relying on the sun to heat water held in the collector unit, as that water temperature rises, so the hot water moves into the cylinder (geyser), that is specially designed to store hot water efficiently.

Have a look at some examples here in sunny SA.

Please don't hesitate to contact us with any further questions

Climate Effects on Crop Yields

While news reports and disaster movies remind us about tipping points for Arctic melt and sea level rise, some things closer to home get less attention. Take food supply: new modelling studies show that there are climate tipping points here too, beyond which crop yields will collapse.

Wolfram Schlenker at Columbia University, New York, and Michael Roberts at North Carolina State University in Raleigh used a high-resolution dataset of weather patterns from 1950 to 2005 to discover how yields of three key US crops would respond to increasing temperatures.

"The single best predictor of a year's yield is the amount of time temperatures exceed about 29 °C and the extent to which they do so," they say.

"Below this, warmer temperatures are beneficial for yields, but the damaging effects above 29 °C are staggeringly large."
Maize massacred

Overall, the results suggest that yields of maize, cotton and soybean drop by roughly 0.6 per cent for each "degree-day" spent above 29 °C.
A degree-day is a measure devised by the team to indicate by how much 29 °C is exceeded and the time spent above that threshold. At present, agricultural regions across the US spend an average of 57 degree-days above 29 °C during the growing season.

That's likely to rise as the world warms. Using a model of future climate change the researchers found that the number of degree-days above 29 °C in a growing season could rise to 413 by the end of the century if we do not cut greenhouse gas emissions. This would cause maize yields to fall by 82 per cent.

Even if we reduce emissions by 50 per cent by 2050 relative to 1991 levels – a target that governments are struggling to agree on – yields could still fall by between 30 and 46 per cent.
"These estimates of yield loss are amongst the best we have," says David Bohan, head of the Ecosystem Dynamics and Biodiversity group at Rothamsted Research, UK.
States of hunger

The US is the world's largest producer and exporter of crops, accounting for around 40 per cent of global maize and soybean production.

"If US yields go down a lot, it could drive up prices of staple food commodities all around the world", say the researchers. "Almost surely the poor would suffer far more that the US would."

David Pimentel at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, argues that curbing biofuel production would tackle starvation and high food prices far quicker than curbing greenhouse gas emissions. "Some 66 per cent of the world population malnourished, yet the US turns 33 per cent of its corn crops into biofuels," he says.

Source: New Scientist

Keep it Green


Developers Putting "Green" into their investments

Joe VanBelleghem isn't afraid to put his money where his mouth is. After reading the influential book "Natural Capitalism" by Paul Hawken and others, the Canadian real-estate developer committed to building projects that embraced the triple bottom line approach advocated for in the book: People, planet and profits.
So when VanBelleghem's firm, Victoria, Canada-based Windmill West, and its co-developer, Vancity Credit Union, bid on a 1.3 million square-foot, mixed-use sustainable community development near Victoria, the team included in the proposal penalties for themselves totaling CAN $1 million (about US $923,000) if they didn't achieve stringent green building standards.
The CAN $500 million project, called Dockside Green, is about 35 percent complete and still has another 7 years to go. But its signature residential phase, known as Synergy, was completed late last year and is the highest-scoring Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certified project in the world according to VanBelleghem, achieving “platinum” for its sustainable design. The development includes on-site renewable energy and wastewater treatment; energy-saving features like Energy Star appliances, heat recovery ventilators, and double-glazed windows; rooftop gardens; and a series of man-made ponds across the former brownfield site that have attracted ducks and otters.
“This is an urban site where we’ve really brought nature back,” VanBelleghem said. “It’s a beautiful development. It’s a detailed, complex way of thinking about how we should build our communities.”

Synergy (pictured above, credit: Windwill West), with a price tag of CAN $23.6 million, encompasses four detached buildings over a common under-ground parking structure. The four buildings include 95 residential units—ranging from 560 square-foot condos to 1754 square-foot, three-bedroom townhouses—and some commercial spaces on the ground floor.
One of Dockside Green’s most impressive green features is its on-site biomass heat generation plant (see drawing below, credit: Windwill West), which currently provides heat and hot water to Synergy and eventually will provide it to all 26 planned buildings in the development. The CAN $7 million plant relies on gasification technology from Vancouver-based Nexterra Systems to convert biomass into a clean burning synthetic gas, or syngas, which is used to generate heat. The plant is fueled by 1.1 tons of locally sourced wood waste per hour at peak capacity, cranking out 7.7 million Btus every 60 minutes.

Largely thanks to this renewable energy, Dockside Green is to be a carbon neutral development. The biomass plant will provide about 75 percent of its energy needs and the remaining 25 percent (for electrical power) will be made carbon neutral through the purchase of green power certificates. But renewable energy generation isn’t the whole story. Synergy and the other buildings in the development are on track to achieve this carbon neutral goal largely because of the design team’s commitment to energy efficiency.
“We took energy very seriously,” said Robert Drew, Synergy’s project architect and an associate principal with the architectural firm Busby Perkins+Will, which created the master plan for Dockside Green. “We wanted to make sure we developed an envelop for the building that contributed to energy demand reductions.”

Synergy’s four detached buildings have roofs and walls that are twice as insulated as conventional construction and their windows are about 50 percent better. Each residential unit has a high-efficiency fan coil for heating, sub-meters for both water and power, and Web-based energy-use monitoring. These features and others are projected to contribute to a more than 50 percent reduction in energy demand compared with conventional construction.
Synergy and the other buildings in Dockside Green will also benefit from on-site wastewater treatment, which will allow the development to recycle much of its water for irrigation and toilet flushing. These features plus low-flow water fixtures mean that residential units should use about two-thirds less water than conventional construction.

The design team also made a point of carefully selecting materials that had minimal environmental impact in the way they were harvested or manufactured, according to Drew. They required paints and other materials with low or no volatile organic compounds.

Dockside Green’s sustainable credentials have not gone unnoticed. Most recently, last month it was recognized by the Clinton Climate Initiative along with 15 other projects worldwide as a large-scale urban undertaking that demonstrates that cities can grow in ways that are “climate positive.” Dockside Green also has won awards from the American Institute of Architects’ Committee on the Environment, the Canadian Urban Institute, the Architectural Institute of British Columbia and more.

About 95 percent of Synergy’s residential units are sold or leased. VanBelleghem said that in the current highly competitive real-estate market, he’s not selling Synergy units at a premium. But he said his residences are selling faster than their less-green competitors because people perceive Synergy as having “better value and better quality.” VanBelleghem said that building such a sustainable development does cost more than conventional construction—he wouldn’t say how much more—but he said that the margins are consistent with other real-estate projects.
“We spend about half the amount of money in marketing because of all the media coverage we get,” he said. “We get approvals more quickly; we’ve been able to increase the housing density and height limits over what the code would normally allow; and we’ve worked cooperatively with the city and environmental groups.”

But as impressive as Dockside Green is, VanBelleghem is already planning an even bigger project. With a rough budget of about CAN $1 billion, VanBelleghem is working on a mixed-use community outside of Victoria that embraces the same sustainability principles as Dockside Green but is about three times its size. No word yet if the Canadian developer will include a cash penalty in this new proposal if the project doesn’t achieve the highest green building standards. But based on the success Dockside Green, that shouldn’t be a worry for him.

Source: Renewable Energy World

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First Save, then invest in renewables

We don't sell any of there products, but the message is so important that its worth getting it out to everybody:

Keep it green


Mini Solar Collector

At Greencon know have the solution for small scale solar water heating or for the 4x4 fraternity of consumers

Have a look:

What are the specs?

Raises that container of water to 55degrees C, by 3pm during winter tests

Where is it cost effective?

Camping and 4x4 fanatics

Rural Communities, where there is no running water. The added bonus is that the collector can later be linked to a solar geyser when services are provided in whatever region. So the investment is not wasted when development improves

Check Price List Here

SA Courts to protect environment

New courts to protect environment

JOHANNESBURG — Specialised courts to deal specifically with environmental crimes will come into effect early in 2010, the ministry of water and environmental affairs said yesterday.

Spokesman Sputnik Ratau said the specialised courts — a priority for Minister Buyelwa Sonjica and provincial MECs — were expected to come into effect in about eight months time.

Sonjica on Monday said the courts were on the list of priorities she and the provincial MECs had agreed on.

Ratau said the other agreed priorities could not be given a time frame as they were ongoing initiatives.

These included the greening of townships, environmental impact management, air quality and public education.

Also included on the list of priorities read out by Sonjica at a press briefing held in Boksburg, east of Johannesburg, on Monday were coastal management and conservation of marine resources.

Climate change, women and the youth were also on the list, along with sustainable job creation and skills development.

The minister’s announcement followed her meeting with the MECs which endorsed a list of priorities to be tackled.

Sonjica called for a renewed focus on environmental crimes.

“We have problems with mines who just dump their waste anywhere and get away with it. We also have the abalone problem in our country. But the people involved often get away,” she said.

Source: Witness

Keep it Green

Why can't it work here in South Africa

Mrs. Abdul Kalev inspects the more-fuel-efficient cookstove being built at her home.

A Nobel Prize-winning community development bank brings solar power, biogas, better stoves, and economic opportunity to rural residents.

Mawna, Bangladesh

Here in the Bangladesh countryside, amid the emerald-green rice paddies and farmers threshing crops with their bare feet, are beige cows, giant haystacks… and solar energy panels – 200,000 of them scattered throughout the country.

This clean-electricity source is part of an innovative program conducted by Grameen Shakti, the environmental arm of Grameen Bank, which won a Nobel Peace Prize for its pioneering use of microloans in Bangladesh.

Its projects also include biogas production, improved cookstove technology, and solar power training centers for women.

Grameen Shakti (meaning “village energy” in Bangla) was started in 1996 as a way to bring electricity and better living standards to the country’s rural poor. “At that time, 85 percent [of the total population of 140 million] had no electricity,” says Dipal Barua, the nonprofit group’s managing director.

He’s speaking from his 19th floor office, which is lined with solar panel prototypes and overlooks the country’s capital, Dhaka.

When Grameen Shakti began, about 120 million people in the country didn’t have access to a source of electricity, he says. Most were poor rural residents living in primitive conditions. By providing electricity to them, the organization hoped it would also help increase education rates and economic opportunities.

Now, 13 years after the program’s inception, its efforts reach almost 2 million people in every part of Bangladesh.

Grameen Shakti first focused on solar panels because, as Dr. Barua notes, “Bangladesh has plenty of sunshine.”

And not only are solar panels portable, they are also better for the environment and more reliable than the nation’s present energy grid, which is not only unavailable to most areas outside cities but also prone to frequent blackouts.

Traditionally, most rural dwellers rely on kerosene or candles as energy sources. But they’re costly, give negligible light, and emit fumes.

Following the model popularized by the Grameen Bank, Grameen Shakti used microcredit loans for disseminating the panels. Buyers make down payments of 15 to 25 percent and then pay off the loans in two or three years.

The cost of the panels is offset by the buyers’ lower energy costs. For example, explains Barua, shop owners who purchase a solar panel system no longer have to buy candles in order to stay open at night. Previously, a shopkeeper might have spent $6.50 a month on candles, but for a small solar panel system with a battery, the monthly payment is about half that. And in addition, the solar unit would allow the store to stay open longer, generating more income.

Mawna, a rural village several hours north of Dhaka in the Gazipur region, is a model of Grameen Shakti’s success. Farmers like Mrs. Abdul Kalev can return home after a day of work, turn on the lights, and relax in front of a TV set powered by an 85-watt solar panel perched on the roof.

Kalev says that her six-person household enjoys its new energy source immensely. They’re pleased because it has improved their lives and also helps the environment. Now that they have reliable electricity, the children can study in the evening and don’t have to breathe kerosene fumes.

“Grameen Shakti’s innovative approach is not only providing families in the developing world with clean, regular energy sources,” says Katherine Miller, United Nations Foundation communications director, “it is helping strengthen local communities and providing economic opportunities.”

“Eventually we thought [about] how to maintain the [solar panel] system,” says Barua. And the group wanted to “involve the poor women also.” They realized that when women improve their lives, the whole family benefits.

One issue about the maintenance of the solar panels was that in this Muslim society, and especially in the conservative rural areas, women are home alone during the day and aren’t allowed to let in male technicians unless a male family member is present.

However, having female technicians would automatically eliminate this issue, they realized. So women’s engineering technology centers were created.

Now women like Champa Akter, who works at the engineering technology center in Mawna, learn to assemble home solar systems and also how to install and maintain them.

The technicians live on-site at the regional offices and go out into the field to provide service as needed. So far, the program has set up 20 centers and trained more than 1,000 female technicians.

Down a dirt road in Mawna and behind a large chicken coop of 2,000 egg-laying, red-feathered hens is Mrs. Mohammad Abdur Razzak’s underground biogas plant. It’s another project initiated by Grameen Shakti. The organization realized that individual farmers usually keep two to three cows or chickens, and wanted to help them set up small-scale biogas plants to use the livestock’s waste to their advantage.

Razzak hoses her poultry coop’s waste into the connected chamber, where it ferments and creates biogas, which is released into a pipe that’s connected to her cooking stove.

Since Razzak’s animals produce more gas than she uses, she makes an extra $71 per month by renting 10 cookstoves and the excess gas to her neighbors.

The leftover slurry that isn’t converted into gas is sold to local farmers for use as organic fertilizer.

A 2006 World Bank study found that rural women and children under the age of 5 had the most exposure to indoor pollution from wood-burning cookstoves. To help alleviate this, Grameen Shakti designed a more fuel-efficient stove that produces less smoke and costs less to use.

It burns half the wood of a traditional stove, the smoke is funneled away from the cooking area via a pipe, and the ashes can be used as fertilizer. “It’s very environmentally friendly,” says Barua.

Inspired by Grameen Shakti, the UN Foundation “helped finance a project in India that makes solar power affordable for more than 1,000 families” in 2006, Miller says. “We are also currently working on expanding portable, clean-energy cookstove programs across Africa.”

But can this be a successful model in more urban areas, where energy needs are greater? There is cautious optimism.

“If rural areas are successful in having expanded the generation capacity of renewable energy [and] solar energy,” says Quamrul Islam Chowdhury, chairman of the Forum of Environmental Journalists of Bangladesh, “then it can be replicated in [Bangladesh’s] cities in a gradual manner. If it can be supplied and be guaranteed, then people will go for it.”

Source: Christian Science Monitor

Keep it Green


Small Lux Eco Home

The price seems unbelievable, but still a very "cool" sustainable house:


This is the Green Cubed house, which was designed by Nelse Design + Build. Located on an infill lot in the Phinney Ridge neighborhood of Seattle, the 5-star home was recently the superstar of a Green Built home tour. And for those in the area, this modern, single-family home is listed for sale for $900,00, which includes four bedrooms and two and a half bathrooms in a 2,667 square-foot package. Some of its many green features include the following:


  • Vegetated roof system;
  • Cistern for rainwater collection;
  • Irrigation free landscaping and no impervious ground surfaces;
  • High efficiency boiler paired with radiant floor system;
  • Energy Star kitchen and laundry appliances;
  • Carpetless design for indoor air quality;
  • Durable siding and recycled content roof product;
  • Reused salvaged cabinetry and renewable bamboo flooring; and
  • Prewired roof for future solar power.

In addition, 90% of construction waste was diverted from the waste stream, and the home was designed to be 30% more efficient than international energy code. In testing, Green Cubed received a HERS rating of 56.





Photo credits: Paul Clark.

Source: Jetson Green

Keep it Green


Urban Green Projects


This whole thing started when Urban Re:Vision teamed up with the City of Dallas to create a sustainable city block. The location was announced last December, and thereafter, teams from all across the world participated in a competition to design the greenest city block in the country. Now, three winners have been announced (see below), and of these three, one will be chosen for construction. Groundbreaking is set for Fall 2010.

We thought it'd be interesting to try to anticipate the ultimate winner with a short poll. Read below and vote for the best sustainable design:

Entangled Bank
by Little (Charlotte, NC)




Entangled Bank is a mixed-use plan with residential and retail aspects. It was designed to include a sky pasture to sustain livestock. The building has community garden areas and is powered by vertical axis wind turbines and photovoltaic panels. Glass ponds capture rainwater and provide irrigation for the extensive vertical farm and green roof system. Entangled Bank will have 500 residential units, an Organic Farming Institute, and a Slow Food Restaurant.

Greenways Xero Energy
by David Baker + Partners and Fletcher Studio (San Francisco, CA)



Greenways Xero Energy takes its shape from an abstract, beached naval ship in order to capture solar exposure and rainwater. The design features community gardens, vertical farming, solar thermal energy, and photovoltaics. Shading on the south side of the structure reduces cooling loads and geothermal tubes negotiate temperature swings. Dallasites may notice that this design, particularly with the red touches and box cutouts, plays off the design of One Arts Plaza and the Arts District, which anchors the northeast corner of Dallas CBD.

Forwarding Dallas
by Atelier Data and MOOV (Lisbon, Portugal)




Forwarding Dallas gets its inspiration from hills, possibly even the rolling landscape of Texas Hill Country, to create an undulated fabric of buildings with green roofs covered in native vegetation. The hills harvest natural elements, including the sun and wind, through solar thermal, photovoltaic’s, horizontal axis wind turbines, and passive solar louvers. Self-sustaining Forwarding Dallas will accommodate 854 residents and be prefabricated with local materials and straw bales.

Source: Jetson Green

Keep it Green


How Bio-Fuels can effect soil

There is growing interest in using crop residues as the feedstock of choice for the production of cellulosic-based ethanol because of the more favorable energy output relative to grain-based ethanol. This would also help provide a solution to the debate of food versus fuel, because less of the grain would be diverted to ethanol production, leaving more available for food and feed consumption.

Crop residues are viewed as a low cost and readily available source of material since more than 50% of crop production is residues. However, crop residues should not be considered simply a waste or benign material. They possess a critical role in sustaining soil organic matter. Consequently, extensive removal of crop residues for ethanol production—or for other industrial purposes—may impact the long-term productivity of soils.

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada scientists at the Indian Head Research Farm in Indian Head and the Semiarid Prairie Agricultural Research Centre in Swift Current, all located in Saskatchewan (SK), measured the impact of straw removal after 50 years on soil organic carbon (SOC) and soil organic nitrogen (SON) using the Indian Head Long-Term Rotations established in 1958. These rotations included a series of fallow–spring wheat–spring wheat crop sequences where straw was removed through baling on selected plots. In this study, straw removal with baling occurred 2 years out of 3, or 66% of the time. The study was converted to no-till in 1991.

Another 4-year study was conducted to quantify how much wheat straw is actually removed through baling when different harvesting systems are used. The three harvesting/straw removal systems involved (1) swathing-harvesting-baling, (2) straight harvesting-baling, and (3) harvesting with a stripper header-swathing-baling. Both of these studies were funded by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, the Panel on Energy Reduction and Development, and the Indian Head Agricultural Research Foundation.

Results from these studies were published in the Agronomy Journal by G.P. Lafond and others. The results were also presented at the annual meetings of the Indian Head Agricultural Research Foundation held in Moose Jaw, SK, on 27 Jan. 2009 and the Saskatchewan Soils and Crops Workshop on 26 Feb. 2009 in Saskatoon, SK.

Guy Lafond, who was the study leader, says, “The results would support the recommendation that some straw could be removed from fields providing that the frequency of removal was less than 66% and that no more than 40% of the aboveground residues other than grain are removed. From a crop management perspective, proper nitrogen fertility combined with no-till would further reduce the possibility of net losses in SOC and SON.”

Research is ongoing at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada to examine different types of crops for not only their grain and end-use quality but also for their crop residue production and quality. Some crops are being developed as platforms for biomass production.

Source: Science Daily on line 

Keep it Green 


Lets Grow Forests on top of our buildings

Building Design and Construction - On line: posted this article. Imagine what we could grow in Johannesburg!
Green Roofs for Healthy Cities has announced that the city of Toronto has passed a new

Green roof by-law with overwhelming support yesterday. The green roof by-law consists of a green roof construction standard and a mandatory requirement for green roofs on all classes of new buildings. The by-law requires up to 50% green roof coverage on multi-unit residential dwellings over six stories, schools, non-profit housing, and commercial and industrial buildings. Larger residential projects require greater green roof coverage, ranging anywhere from 20-50% of the roof area.

"The city of Toronto's leadership on all things green took another major step by making it obligatory to have green roofs for all types of new buildings," said Deputy Mayor Joe Pantalone, the primary champion of the new by-law. "This bylaw is a major part of the solution to climate change, the creation of green jobs, and it represents a whole new mindset on how our cities approach the 20% or so of surface area that are roofs."  

"Toronto's by-law provides a new opportunity to strengthen the emerging practice of integrated green building design," said Steven W. Peck, president of Green Roofs for Healthy Cities, which supported the by-law against pressure from developers opposed to the policy. "The by-law breaks new ground on how to structure a mandatory green roof requirement and the construction standard also contains important best practices that may prove to be a model for other cities."

Chicago remains the city with the largest number of green roofs installed, according to GHRC's Annual Green Roof Industry Survey released last week. The mandatory by-law in Toronto may change that, resulting in approximately 50 to 75 new projects annually.

Toronto already requires green roofs on city-owned properties, has established a financial incentive of up to $5 per square foot for existing buildings, and is currently building a publicly accessible green roof on its city hall. The project will be unveiled at CitiesAlive!, the first international green roof congress to be held October 19-22, 2009 with a focus on addressing climate change. See for details.

Get Greencon to help certify your future buildings


Green Building Rebates

We at Greencon feel this is the lead (exscuse the pun) local governement should be making to get Green Building Built:

Officials in Portland, Ore. have proposed a green building incentive program that would be the first of its kind in the United States. Under the program, new commercial buildings, 20,000 square feet or larger, that meet Oregons state building code would be assessed a fee by the city of up to $3.46 per square foot. The fee would be waived for buildings that achieve the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Silver certification from the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC). Those that achieve LEED Gold, LEED Platinum or the Living Building Challenge, would receive rebates of $1.73-$ 17.30 per square foot depending on certification level.

Based on the same requirements, multifamily residential properties, 5,000 square feet or larger, would also be eligible for rebates of $0.51-$5.15 per square foot. Multifamily projects, 50,000 square feet or larger, that receive city funding must meet LEED Silver standards.

For new single-family residential construction, the proposed program sets performance targets for the percentage of homes certified through either LEED for Homes or Earth Advantage. These targets increase from 20 percent in 2009 to 40 percent in 2011. If the targets aren't met at any point, the city of Portland will set up a feebate structure similar to that used for commercial buildings.

Source: Building design and Construction - On Line 

Get Green Building Certified


Buildings to carry "Green" labels

A new consumer label that would grade all commercial buildings according to their energy efficiency is being developed by the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE).

Known for its development of commercial building code standards, the society's label would measure both the design efficiency and operational performance of buildings, similar to the government's Energy Star program. ASHRAE said it would eventually like to expand the label to include property types not covered by Energy Star. If that effort is successful, ASHRE indicated it would push for an international expansion.

Keep it Green 


Electrical Management Systems

The use of intelligent lighting systems can save up to 60% on power used for lighting. These systems monitor movement and are programmed to switch on at certain times depending on the ambient lighting levels. Because the onus is removed from the the occupant, there can no longer be times when the lighting is left on unnecessarily. Have a look at some houses that are fitted with the systems, and some of the systems available. 

GreenBuilding Council of South Africa Certified

Green Building Council Certified (GBCSA) member of staff Marc Desfontaines (seen here hiking with his children in the Transkei), is passionate about helping customers develop in a manner that greatly reduces their impact on the Planet. Marc co-ordinates with architects, developers, policy planners and property owners to give them the best solution to reducing their impact on the planet. Furthermore design and development teams looking for the prestigious Greenstar ratings use Marc and his team to help them develop in a manner that follows sustainable principles and altogether results in healthier buildings being made or refurbished in our Urban environment. 

Keep it Green 

Supporting Green Business

A new form of consumer activism that encourages businesses to spend their revenue on environmentally minded endeavours. From Inhabitat, part of the Guardian Environment Network

Taking a step beyond the certified-green-label: what if you had a personal agreement with a business that the money you spent would go towards sustainability? "If people really vote with their dollars, shouldn't there be an election day?" asks Brent Schulkin, an activist turned entrepreneur who co-founded the company called Virgance. The company got its start after Schulkin brought folks out to stores in a new consumer action called carrotmob, a "method of activism" that encourages businesses to spend their revenue on socially-minded endeavors.

Schulkin launched the first carrotmob event in March of 2008 in San Francisco, CA after being inspired by Howard Rheingold's Smartmobs, which examines the potential influence of what we know today as social media (Rheingold wrote his book in 2002). In particular, Rheingold felt that the internet and other forms of technology would open up opportunities for people with common interests to temporarily cluster together.

Using this potential influence to push social and environmental responsibility, Schulkin asked liquor stores in his neighborhood what percentage of sales they'd be willing to put toward green building improvements, promising the store with the highest bid that they would gain the promotion of carrotmob and subsequently get "mobbed" by shoppers on a future, coordinated date.

The winning bid was 22%. With the endorsement of carrotmob, shoppers lined up around the block –breaking the lucky stores' previous sales records. The resulting video of the event went viral, inspiring folks around the world to start their own carrotmobs.

Last December marked the first carrotmob in Brooklyn, captured on video by current TV. Another mob recently descended on Hoboken, and carrotmobs are currently spreading to Finland and France, as well as throughout US and Canada– the progress is all compiled by Virgance in a handy list of blogs. While some sites provide little more than announcement of intent, some mobbers are documenting their progress with video and even garnering the support of companies like ZipCar.

Carrotmob is currently still a volunteer grassroots effort. Virgance is the umbrella organization that hosts the website for carrotmob, but has yet to create a standardized a mob manual, and can't afford to put someone on the project full-time. In the future, the company would like to offer financial incentives to build and live sustainably to more than just businesses. Currently, Virgance is focused on a bulk-buy solar project called 1BOG.

Source : Guardian/Environment

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Why we need to change

Keep it Green 

Heating Water and Creating Electricity

Some customers don't want to be reliant on any utilities, so they adapt to using the sun for all their energy requirements. Looking into the future, it's a wise thing to be doing...

Keep it Green 

Vacuum Tube Advantages

One of the best advantages of the vacuum tube system is that when you are using the Thermosyphon method of heating water, you can position the collector flat on the ground. This obviously affects the efficiency of the system, but one of our consultants will be able to size the correct solution for those losses, have a look...

Keep it Green

Large Scale Installation

When Legacy Hotels and Resorts sufferd the misfortune of a fire, that severly effected their luxury bush lodge - Kwa Maritane, they used this misfortune as an opportunity to implement renewable energy in the rebuild of the popular time share development. It is great to work with forward thinking and innovative company who realises the reality of environmental impact and future energy costs. We developed a system for there kitchen and industiral washing sevices offered at the resort.  Have a look...

Keep it Green 

Simple, Cheap way to heat water

Low pressure geysers are the simplist, easiest way to heat domestic water. They also are the most reliable and give the least problems problems. Have a look...

Photovoltaic Systems and Battery back up

People who are interested in moving completely off the grid will need to have systems similar to this installed in areas where wind or other alternatives are not possibile. 

Keep it Green 

Blackwater and Rainwater harvesting

This client has gone the whole "hog', they have a thermal heating system, a 3kw photovoltaic power system, rain water harvesting and a blackwater syste. We have shown some slides of the blackwater systems and harvesting system. Have a look...

Keep it Green 

Fun with the Sun

People often don't fully realise the power of the sun. Especially here in South Africa we have some of the highest radiation rates in the world, but despite that we really, really have poor usage of that resource (ESKOM!!). We here at Greencon like to create awareness by doing fun activities with our staff and customers, to not only improve their knowledge of the sun's energy potential but also to plant real examples in their minds, to help spread the word.

Here is a brief slide/video show of us doing a lunch for staff and customers where we cooked an ox tail (not the easiest meat to prepare) using JUST THE SUNS ENERGY....

Keep it Green

Water Harvesting

Some Examples 

Flat Plate Examples

Keep it Green 

Solar Collectors Installed

Have a look at some installed collectors

Please contact us here

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